The Need for SPEED

Structuring a Speed Session:

Looking to improve your speed? Wondering where to start in structuring a speed field session?


Lets break it down into a few components.

Warm Up- Speed Mechanic Drills- Accelerations- Repeated Sprint Efforts.


Warm up:

This warm up needs to prepare you to Run- To Run fast.


-       Dynamic Stretches

-       Isometric Holds- Single leg Bridge holds/ Single leg calf holds

-       Running forward/ backwards at slow speeds.

-       Gradually increasing running speed

-       Accelerations over short distances


Speed Mechanic Drills:

Sprint posture drills can assist to improve your sprinting efficiency.

Examples Include:

-       A March

-       A skip

-       Wall Drills 

A Skip:

Wall Drill:


Accelerating over small distances. Ensure you have enough space to decelerate.

-       Build speed 0-20m- accelerate 20-40m- Decelerate slowly

-       Gradually building to 100% Speed

-       90 second rest between efforts


Repeated Sprint efforts

This needs to be sport specific. Over smaller distances (10-20m for court sports and 40-60m for field sports) .

-       Introduction to speed sessions should start at smaller volume. 1x5 Efforts and building to 2 Sets.

-       2mins Rest in between efforts, when aiming for maximum efforts and 30seconds rest when aiming for increasing aerobic capacity.


Speed programs should be tailored to the individual athlete, be sport specific and should focus on the goal aiming to be achieved through the speed session. If you are looking for a tailored speed program contact HPRS.

Article Written by Antonietta Del Pinto